
WordPress slider plugin – Featured Articles Lite

Create responsive WordPress sliders from your existing content ( posts, pages, custom post types & images).

Featured Articles is a WordPress slider plugin that allows you to create sliders in your blog pages directly from your already written content, be it posts, custom posts, pages or WordPress Gallery images.

(Some) Features:

– Responsive and mobile ready;
– Allows you to create sliders based on Nivo slider by implementing a slider theme compatible with Nivo slider;
– Sliders can be created from posts, pages, gallery images (PRO) or custom post types (PRO);
– Navigation arrows and pagination;
– Multiple slider themes;
– Third party slider scripts implementation;
– Preloading functionality on page load;
– Lots of actions and filters for customizing output and functionality;
– SEO friendly;
– Packed with layout and animation options;
– Various slider publishing methods: shortcodes, widgets, automatic placement, PHP code that can be used in templates;
– Slider themes visual editor (PRO);
– Dynamic areas for fast publishing (PRO);
– Slider caching for faster page loading (PRO);
… and many more.

Sliders can be published in WordPress by any of these ways (or all at the same time):

– manual placement directly into your WordPress theme template files (requires editing the template file you want to place a slider in and add a small piece of code);
– shortcode placement directly into a post or page content;
– widget placement into any widget areas your theme has;
– automatic placement in any page just above the page loop.